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Steps (9) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Register with Ministry of Justice  (4) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a foreign enterprises registration certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less
Apply for a local bank account  (2) expand_more expand_less

Receive response for business registration
(last modified: 11/02/2021)

Contact details

Entity in charge

Business Trade and Investment Board

Ara Tapu Rd, Avarua, Rarotonga , Avarua
Tel: 682 24296
Directions: Google maps

Unit in charge

Foreign Investment Division

Mon: 08:00 - 16:00
Tue: 08:00 - 16:00
Wed: 08:00 - 16:00
Thu: 08:00 - 16:00
Fri: 08:00 - 16:00
Sat: closed
Sun: closed

Person in charge

Julieanne Westrupp

Senior Foreign Investment Advisor
Tel: +682 24296

Expected results

BTIB Business confirmation example

Time frame

Applications for registration does not guarantee an approval for Business Registration
Waiting time in queue: min   5mn - max  10mn
Attention at counter: min   5mn - max   10mn

Legal justification

1. Development Investment Act
Development Investment Act
Section 19 Issue of certificate of registration

Additional information

1. Your application is decided by a Board of 5 Directors that sits at the end of each month. 2. The outcome of your application will be conveyed immediately after the meeting. 3. If you are approved other Government agencies are also advised in order to facilitate your entry to carry on business in the Cook Islands. These include the Immigration Department for entry and work permits (visa), the Registrar of Companies for the registration of the company, the Management Revenue Division for tax registration, and the appropriate line Ministry responsible for the business sector you are in. 4. If your application is declined by the Board you have 21 days from the date of that decision to appeal to the Minister responsible for the BTIB.

Complaints: Business Trade and Investment Board

Entity in charge

Business Trade and Investment Board

Ara Tapu Rd, Avarua, Rarotonga , Avarua
Tel: 682 24296
Directions: Google maps

Unit in charge

Foreign Investment Division

Mon: 08:00 - 16:00
Tue: 08:00 - 16:00
Wed: 08:00 - 16:00
Thu: 08:00 - 16:00
Fri: 08:00 - 16:00
Sat: closed
Sun: closed

Person in charge

Repeta Puna

Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +682 24296
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