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Steps (17) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Register a business - Ministry of Justice  (4) expand_more expand_less
Register a Revenue Management Division (RMD) number  (1) expand_more expand_less
Register as a CUSPCK user  (2) expand_more expand_less
Obtain approval to import product - Biosecurity  (2) expand_more expand_less
Biosecurity clearance  (1) expand_more expand_less
Register as an importer  (1) expand_more expand_less
Obtain customs clearance  (3) expand_more expand_less
Release cargo - Avatiu harbor  (3) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 8 expand_more expand_less

Ministry of Justice (x 4)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management
Revenue Management Division (x 3)
Revenue Management Division (x 2)
Ministry of Agriculture (x 3)
Shipping Agents
Cook Islands Ports Authority (x 2)

Results 21 expand_more expand_less

Email of approval
Registration received by the Registrar
Payment Receipt - Ministry of Justice
Certificate of Company Registration
Revenue Managment Number confirmation letter
Value Added Tax confirmation letter
Certificate of Participation
Declaration Letter
Payment receipt - Biosecurity
Biosecurity Import permit
Permit to land - Biosecurity
Client code approval
Supplier code approval
Customs entry declaration
Customs delivery order
Import Entry - Client copy
Customs delivery order
Import Entry - Client copy
Approved Delivery Order - Shipping agent
Receipt - Ports Authority
Cargo released

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Valid Identification (x 6)
Individual application for RMD number - RM1
Business Application for RMD number, VAT and Employer - RM2 (x 2)
Certificate of Incorporation (x 2)
Constitution - Trust/Estate organization
Deed - Club/Society/Charity/Other organization
Application for registration as a user of Customs computerised entry processing system - Form008
Revenue Managment Number confirmation letter (x 2)
Zoosanitary certificate
Bill of Lading (x 2)
Notice of registration
Client code application Form 077
Supplier Code application Form 076
Commercial Invoice
Commercial Invoice
Freight invoice
Packing List
Cook Islands Harmonised Tariff 2017
Transaction receipt
Customs entry declaration (x 2)
Receipt - Revenue Management Division
Customs delivery order
Delivery Order - Shipping agent
Approved Delivery Order - Shipping agent

Estimated cost NZD  245

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NZD expand_more expand_less
  • NZD Add Name Here
NZD 75
Business registration fee
NZD 90
Training fee
NZD 50
Permit fee
NZD 30
Delivery order - Shipping agent

Total Duration 8 d - 20 d expand_more expand_less

  min max
Total time (sum): 8 d 20 d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 20mn 1h.
Attention at counter: 45mn 1h. 40mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 8 d 19 d

Laws 7 expand_more expand_less

Biosecurity Act 2008 Biosecurity Act 28. Application for a biosecurity import permit
  Section urity officers ,  articles 4, 7 - Powers of Bio, 29, 80
Companies Act Companies Act Companies Regulations 2019 - Client account
  Section  9 ,  articles 1, 2, 3, 4, Schedule 2
Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act
  articles 6 - Entry and Accounting for Goods, 13 - Customs computerised entry processing system, 13, 14 - Powers of Customs officers, P 13 - Customs computerised entry processing systems, S13(167)
Income Tax Act 1997 Consolidated to 1 September 2016 Income Tax Act Consolidated
  Article 14 - General Provisions (S.218)
Ports Authority Act Ports Authority Act 29. Liability for dues payable for goods, 32. Goods on wharf
  Article 2
Ports Authority Tarriff Ports Authority Tarriff Ports cargo charges
  Article 9
VAT Act Consolidated 2019 VAT Act Consolidated 2019
  Article 3 - Registration
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